Monday, 12 July 2010

Oooh Manly Cross stitching

Even though it is silly o'clock and have been kept awake most of the night by DH I was wandering about the interwebs and stumbled across a BRILLIANTLY funny blog from a guy who does cross stitch - I have always said men make better stitchers than women and this guys work is great! His blog is v funny too - am now a follower - as I am so new to this blogging lark - I don't realy know the ettiquette of "following" Should I send a "please may I follow you" note? or just lurk mysteriously in the background...I don't know...maybe a friendly comment on one of his posts.....but then would I look like a stalker??? I have no followers yet which makes my ramblings seem slightly I'm sure the first ever blogger in the world (I wonder who that was?) must have had no followers for a time and just sat there typing away to themselves - Hope this is not the first step to "crazy cat lady"!!

1 comment:

  1. Etiquette is usually a huge waste of time.

    I say follow him, and then maybe he will follow you as well...

    And make lost of comments. Boys like comments.
